+261 32 79 88 605

Payroll Services Madagascar

EOR and PEO, Host and Payment to Employees. Real support for every step of the employee lifecycle - from hire to retire - Employees Compensation, Taxes, Employee and Employer Social Contributions, Employees Benefits, Insurance Coverage, Severance Payment, Reimbursment of Expenses

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Follow information in Madagascar on work and employment

The Labor Code in Madagascar updated
Labor Code adopted without amendment after in-depth studies and analyses - Law Project (bill) No. 24/2023 - Here are the main changes between the 2003 and 2024 versions of the Labor Code of Madagascar:
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Employer of record


EOR, Employer of Record Services in Madagascar defined and regulated by the new labor code
a model for creating a triangular relationship between an umbrella company, a seconded employee, and a client company. This section explores in detail the articles of the Labor Code that define and regulate this form of employment
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Employer of Record


Payroll management in Madagascar: obligations and adapted solutions
Managing payroll in Madagascar can be a complex task, requiring a good knowledge of local regulations. Whether you are a company or an NGO, it is possible to hire and pay employees in Madagascar
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Employer of record


Le Code du travail à Madagascar mis à jour
Nous sommes entre de bonnes mains avec MADEINMADA. L'équipe donne plus que nos attentes et traite nos affaires avec toute leur attention. MADEINMADA fait du projet d'externalisation à Madagascar une véritable réussite
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Blog Writer


Le Code du travail à Madagascar mis à jour
Nous sommes entre de bonnes mains avec MADEINMADA. L'équipe donne plus que nos attentes et traite nos affaires avec toute leur attention. MADEINMADA fait du projet d'externalisation à Madagascar une véritable réussite
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Employer of record


MADEINMADA, #1 leading provider : Payroll Services in Madagascar

We are #payrollexpert
We offer payroll services to Companies and Ngos worldwide having staffs working in Madagascar
We partner with global payroll providers and deliver local complete payroll management
We are :

  • Compliant
  • On-time
  • Accurate

From small to large operations, local or expatriate employees, short or long term assignments, we adapt ourselves to your need, we set the proper ressources and manage the #payroll and the #HR with proficiency


The team aims to ensure 100% compliance with local laws and legislations and keep each and every partner updated for any changes. Our Services listed below are real Solutions to companies and ngos for their mid or long term projects in Madagascar

Payroll Services Madagascar

Process Payroll Calculations, payroll tax statements, Monthly, Quarterely, Yearly taxes, Employee and Employer contributions, handling of deposits and withdrawals for your employees, Expenses reimbursment, Insurance handling, reporting

Employer of Record (EOR)

MADEINMADA is the legal employer of your workers and handle all aspects of compliance from the onboarding to the termination. Handling the employment contract. Processing payroll. Filing employer social contributions. Filing employee taxes

Professional Employer Organization (PEO)

As a co-employer MADEINMADA provides real engagement for your business. Our PEO services will allow you to outsource important HR functions. We take some important responsibilities and add real value to your business and activities in order to enhance your bottom line

Employee and Contractor Recruitment

Short-term, mid-term, long-term assignment? Hire an employee or a contractor? Let us help you with quicker hiring and onboarding. We source, we screen, we interview. We handle the short-listing process and you decide the right people for your organization

Running Projects

Our valuable clients, hand in hand with us

Cossel Staffing and Recruiting

Cossel is a recruitment agency bringing together appropriate clients and candidates in the IT and Financial sector.


Nutreco | Feeding the future

Nutreco is a global leader in animal nutrition and aquafeed. Our advanced nutritional solutions are at the origin of food for millions of consumers worldwide.


EasyHire | Paving your path to success

Easy Hire is a premier recruitment consultancy specializing in the identification and placement of highly qualified professionals and executives within the financial, IT, and sales sectors.


Epoca | Le futur de la santé à vos côtés

Allowing elderly people to age at home, in the best possible conditions while making daily life easier for caregivers and carers.


Payroll management in Madagascar : Obligations and Adapted Solutions

Get to know more about payroll componemts and labour code in Madagascar...

IRSA - Tax on Salary - Income Tax

Impôt sur le Revenu Salarial, withhold and paid by the employer

CNAPS - Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale

Family benefits, Work accidents and occupational diseases, Retirement

FMFP - Training Contributions

Fonds Malgache de Formation Professionnelle

OSTIE - Employee Health Coverage

Organisation Sanitaire Inter-entreprise d'Antananarivo

FUNHECE - Service Médical Inter Entreprise

Employee Health Coverage, Funds Health Center, FUNRECO Group

Exchange rates - Banky Foibe (Central Bank)

Currency daily Exchange Rates - EUR/USD/GBP to MGA Salary payment

Monthly Payslip delivery to employees -

Signed proof of salary payment - Payment note

Employee Health Insurance Coverage

Employee benefits - Health coverage for employees and families

Expenses Reimbursment - Overheads Management

Employees prepaid expenses coverred by the company

Compensation and Severance Payment

because of a layoff, dismissal or retirement

Madagascar Holidays 2025

14 days of holidays

Entrust us with a mission

We do it simple, friendly and smart! the way we build long-term win-win partnership with you


They entrust us with missions and are satisfied!

We are in good hands with MADEINMADA. The team gives more than expected for us with its entire focus to all our needs. MADEINMADA makes the outsourcing project in madagascar a real success


Setting up a commercial team in a country needs definitely the help of a local provider in order to ease the process. We are Thankfull to the team for their continuous support

Africa Design

We support NGOs worldwide. The HR and Payroll is a keypoint to all projects. We have Haja of MADEINMADA to keep us updated with all changes in the labor laws in Madagascar


We always refer to MADEINMADA for our setup of outsourced project in Madagascar and especially for the recruitment process, communication channel and administration representation

Independant Consultant

We outsource 90% of our activities. HR, Sales and Customer Services, Finance. We rely on MADEINMADA Services since 2023. We have net increase of numbers and indicators every year


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Applicable from March 1, 2024, the minimum salary in Madagascar is 262,680 MGA per month

  • For workers/employees on monthly basis, the payroll is once a month with optional mid-month advance

  • Salaries and wages should be paid in Ariary (MGA - Malagasy Ariary) and to a local bank account

  • For the installment above 600,000 Ar, the tax rate is 20%. For installment 500,000 Ar - 600,000 Ar, 15%. For the installment 400,000 Ar - 500,000 Ar, 10%. For the installment 350,000 Ar - 400,000 Ar, 5%. For the installment 0 Ar - 350,000 Ar, 0%.

  • for the calculation of social charges, the salary is capped at 8 times the minimum salary
    CNAPS retirement: salary share: 1% of gross salary - employer's share: 13% of gross salary
    OSTIE Health: salary share: 1% of gross salary - employer's share: 5% of gross salary
    FMFP professional training: salary share: 0% of gross salary - employer's share: 1% of gross salary

  • Companies offer mainly health insurance to the employee and his family members and 13th month salary

  • 01 January - New Year's Day, 29 March - Martyrs' Day, Easter Monday, Eid al-Fitr, 01 May - Labour Day, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, 26 June - Independence Day, Eid al-Adha, 15 August - Assumption of Mary, 01 November - All Saints' Day, 25 December - Christmas Day. (12 days)

Contact Us


MADEINMADA Bureau #1, 1er étage Immeuble Jacaranda Ambatonakanga Antananarivo 101, Madagascar


+261 32 79 88 605